Connecticut Residential Landlord/Tenant Update: Statutorily Mandated Residential Leasing forms pursuant to Public Act 23-207 Now Available at Connecticut Department of Housing’s Website.

April 2, 2024

Mandatory Pre-Lease Walk-Through and DOH Checklist Form

Pursuant to Public Act 23-207, Connecticut Landlords are required to offer tenants the opportunity to do a walk-through and document the walk-through using the Department of Housing’s standard checklist form. If the tenant elects to do the walk-through, then a tenant may not be held liable and the Tenant’s deposit may not be retained for any “condition, defect or damage” noted on the checklist. The checklist must be signed by both landlord and tenant and a copy must be retained by the landlord and provided to the tenant. The form of checklist to be used can be found at the Connecticut Department of Housing’s Website here:

Required Protected Classes Notice

Pursuant to Public Act 23-207, Connecticut Landlords of any apartment building with 5 or more units or trailer parks are now required to provide a Department of Housing prepared notice advising tenants of rights afforded to tenants who are 62 years old or older and tenants with long term disabilities and other protected classes. The form of notice can be found at the Connecticut Department of Housing’s Website here: The notice must be given to all tenants at the time the initial lease is entered into and at the time it is renewed or extended.

Certain other changes to Connecticut Residential Landlord/Tenant laws under Public Act 23-207

  1. Late Rent Charges; Required Grace Periods. Late charges are only permitted after 9 day grace period (or 4 days for week to week rentals) and late charge amounts are statutorily limited to “lesser of (i) $5 per day, up to a maximum of $50, or (ii) 5% of the delinquent rent payment (or, in the case of a rental agreement paid in whole or in part by a governmental or charitable entity, five per cent of the tenant’s share of the delinquent rent payment”.
  2. Security Deposits. Shortened period for landlord to return a deposit to a tenant from 30 days to 21 days.
  3. Application Fees/Security Deposits. Prohibits landlords from demanding that prospective tenants pay any sum for the processing, review or acceptance of any rental application, tenancy” except:
    • 2 months rent deposit (if tenants are under 62) and 1 month rent deposit if over;
    • advance payment of first month’s rent;
    • deposit for a key or any special equipment; and
    • maximum $50 screening report free (provided that Landlord complies with law regarding sharing of the report with the tenant).

Disclaimer: The above is intended for general informational purposes and should not be construed as a legal advice or substitute for a review of all applicable laws.